
Design by Dusten Wolff

Friday, December 14, 2012


Well today is the last full day before my triple booked Saturday. The hard part is not going to be the gigs themselves it is literally everything before the gigs that has been stressful. I almost lost one yesterday due to some issues with what the plan for filming was but after some back and forth things are back on. The first gig is proving to be my most stressful since the area which it takes place is the same spot they are doing a big once a year marathon at Druid Hill Park. I have only been to the park once before for a film I worked on and it is big so as long as I can find the spot to park I will be ok, just trying to avoid getting towed. So there is that and then my last gig is at Pier Five which I thought that was going to be easy but the spot at which it is taking place doesn't seem to be the same spot which I thought I was going to have to go to since it is located at the building next to it. I know super confusing but no matter I will get through it. In between I will be up at my buddy's studio so I will at least be in a familiar spot in between my first and last gigs. All I know is come tomorrow around 1am once I get back home I will be feeling a lot better that is for sure!

Random Movie Fact: In the 1978 film The Swarm, Michael Caine stated in an interview that during filming he thought the little yellow spots left by the bees on his clothing was honey so he began to eat it, unaware he was eating bee poop.

Thanks for the support,
Daniel Hess

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