So lately I feel as though my blog has just been a vessel for all my new products and videos so I am here to finally post up just a lot of updates. For starters my last
True Docs episode is going up Sunday at Midnight, this episode will be entitled Enjoy and it will basically be a look back and a look forward. The overall message for my final True Docs is to enjoy life and all that comes with it. The next update is that same morning at 9 will be my last day filming for "Gas Guzzlers," I am doing a lot of scenes up at my secret location...Anyway after all that is done I can finally start to edit the film, finish it, get it approved by everyone involved, make a trailer from that, and then hopefully a friend of mine will score it for me. After that I send it out to some festivals and we will all see where it goes from there. Also coming up soon I am going to be completing what looks to be three different music videos for local rap studio
Mania Music Group. More on all that later, time to get ready for work. Wish me luck with everything.
Thanks for the huge support,
Dan Hess